Law is the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating its members’ actions. Its vast scope encompasses the relationships between people and among the different parts of a society, as well as commerce, governance, and human rights. The study of law includes a rich array of disciplines, from the legal history of different civilizations to the major debates in contemporary legal philosophy.
Legal systems are divided into two broad types: civil and common law. The study of law involves examining the reasons and justifications that countries adopt either type of system, as well as the ways in which they have evolved over time.
A key aspect of law is the concept of the rule of law, which aims to ensure that government officials and entities are held accountable under the law, that laws are publicly promulgated and equally enforced, and that the legal processes are accessible, fair, efficient, and transparent. This is a complex objective and it requires the rule of law to be reinforced by a number of principles.
The core of a legal system is the judiciary, which is charged with interpreting and applying the law. It is important that the judicial system be independent and impartial, with the ability to hear all sides of an argument and make decisions without fear or favor. It is also important that the judiciary be composed of a diverse group of people, including judges, attorneys, and other staff members.
Other aspects of the rule of law include ensuring that individuals and businesses have access to the legal system, that laws are clear and publicized, and that they are stable and equitable. It is also important that the government respects the privacy of its citizens and that racial, ethnic, and gender diversity is represented in the judicial system.
Law permeates all aspects of life and is essential to the functioning of a civilized society. It regulates commerce, business and financial transactions; governs family relations; influences human rights, such as the right to freedom of speech, religion and movement; defines property ownership and inheritance; controls censorship and other social restrictions; and protects crime victims. Laws can be created by statutes, duly enacted regulations from the state or federal governments, and court decisions. The latter carry broader legal weight and may be used as precedent in subsequent cases. This principle is known as stare decisis, or ‘judge made law’. For more information about specific areas of the law, see the articles on criminal law; civil law; constitutional law; family law; labour law; property law; and biolaw. The article on Workplace Relations provides a range of hypothetical scenarios and questions that could arise in the workplace, providing answers in a structured manner using subheadings to break up the information and refers to relevant legislation. It is an excellent resource for any organisation that wants to promote a culture of respect and tolerance in the workplace.