News is anything that happens that is interesting, that relates to the world or that is of interest to a particular group of people. The key to writing a good news article is research and understanding your audience. You can do this by asking yourself the “5 W’s”: who, what, where, when and why.
Who: The news story should focus on a person, group or organisation that has an impact on a lot of people. This will be more interesting to a wider audience then a story that only affects a small number of people. What: The facts of the story should answer the “5 W’s” and should be accurate and reasonably complete. The article should also include quotes from sources that you have interviewed.
What: The story should have some context that will help the reader to understand what is happening and why it is important. It should also be written in an easy to follow format.
Why: The facts of the story should be written in a way that is easy to follow, making sure that all information is given in chronological order and that the reader can easily follow the story from beginning to end. This will keep the readers engaged and interested in the story and they will be more likely to read on.
How: The story should be presented in an inverted pyramid, beginning with the most important facts first and moving down through the rest of the article. This is a common practice in journalism school and will be helpful in creating a well-written article that will make a good impression on your audience.
Where: The news should be based in the area that you are writing about, and the topic of your story should be something that is interesting to the readers of your paper. This will help your paper to stand out from the other papers and be noticed by the readers.
When: The facts of the story should be put before your readers briefly so that they can read it, clearly so that they can appreciate it, picturesquely so that they can remember it and accurately so that they can be guided by it.
The news should be presented in an inverted pyramid, with the most important facts first and then followed by a series of lesser facts that will allow the reader to understand the story fully. This will allow the readers to make a good decision on whether to continue reading your story or not.
What: The news should be based in the areas that you are writing about, and the topic that your story should be about should be something that is interesting to the readers or students of your newspaper. This will allow your newspaper to stand out from the other papers and be notice by the readers or students.
Why: The facts of the news should be written in a way that is easier to read, so that the readers can easily understand what is happening and why it is important. This will allow the readers to make he best decision on whether to continue reading your story or go ahead and read another.